

Rain ending as clouds continue

Sunshine will be hard to find the next few days
Rain drops
and last updated

The rain is done, but Clouds will stick around as we head into the overnight tonight.

The morning should be uneventful as we start Monday cloudy with temperatures around 32°. It unfortunately stays cloudy for much of the day Monday with highs back to 40° as well. This is right at the seasonal average. While we should stay dry, we won't see much sunshine until later in the day. That is most likely around sunset if it happens. Winds on Monday won't be nearly as breezy, from the west at 5 to 10 mph.

Skies clear up overnight Monday into early Tuesday, but by Tuesday morning we will see more cloud cover. That is because another low pressure system will dive in during the day Tuesday. A clipper system blasting in from the northwest will bring a chance of a wintry mix Tuesday. Most should see just rainfall, but there may be some snow that mixes in at times. Temperatures will again be in the upper 30s and low 40s.

That should wrap up fast, but the clouds look like they will linger into Wednesday as we will stay into the low 40s.

Still cloudy
Low: 32

More clouds, clearing late
High: 40

Partly cloudy
Low: 30

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