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New traffic warning systems to be installed on I-71/75 to address rear-end crashes in high-congestion areas

stopped traffic warning system signs odot

COLUMBUS, Ohio — New warning systems will be installed in high-congestion areas in Hamilton County in hopes of ending deadly crashes that occur during slow-downs or stopped traffic.

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine and ODOT director Jack Marchbanks said on Thursday the plan is for cameras at specific sites to detect traffic and automatically trigger a message board a few miles away to alert drivers heading in that direction. Those alerts will also be pushed to the OHGO traffic app.

These warning systems will be installed at 13 locations across the state, including:

  • eastbound Ronald Reagan Highway before I-71;
  • northbound I-71 before Ronald Reagan Highway; and
  • westbound I-275 after I-75.

The sites were picked based on traffic congestion and severe "end-of-queue" crashes, or crashes that happen when drivers rear-end another vehicle after failing to recognize slowing or stopped traffic.

traffic warning systems odot

ODOT in 2023 reported 8,811 end-of-queue crashes — an increase over the past three years. Once the warning systems are installed in 13 locations across the state, ODOT said it expects a 16% decrease in those kinds of crashes.

"As technology continues to evolve, we're always looking for new ways to help prevent serious and fatal crashes on our highways," DeWine said in a release. "Although we're confident that these warning systems will help prevent crashes, there is still no substitute for safe driving. For these signs to be effective, drivers must be paying attention."

While the first location in Columbus is now activated, ODOT reports all 13 of its warning systems will be operational within two years. More sites could be added as the department continues to evaluate traffic throughout the state.

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