CRESCENT SPRINGS, Ky. — The Northern Kentucky Varsity Norsemen Hockey team is the Kentucky State champion!
The Norsemen competed in Louisville, KY over the weekend of March 3-5 and came home with the state title. The team is made up of hockey players of high school age across Northern Kentucky. The Norsemen are led by head coach Eric Kathman. This is the team's third state title in the last seven years, winning in 2017 and 2019 as well.
The Norsemen will play next in Plymouth, MN for the National HS tournament March 23-27.
Sunday evening the Norse community came out to celebrate the teams success at the Northern Kentucky Ice Center in Crescent Springs.
NKIC has hockey programs starting for kids as young as 4 years old and continues through the high school varsity level.
Head coach Eric Kathman has been coaching hockey for over 25 years and knows the excitement that exists around this hockey community in northern Kentucky but also feels the love from those who are part of the Norse family.
"For me it's an honor, to wear that badge is something special. We've been in the state finals for the last 7 years, and this is our 3rd State Championship," remarked head coach Eric Kathman.
"They had no fear, these guys, they just went out and played," said Kathman.
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