Ohio high school sports resumed interscholastic competition this week with the official start of the golf and tennis seasons.
This week marked the first time that Ohio High School Athletic Association interscholastic competitions have happened during the COVID-19 pandemic since March 11.
Meanwhile, contact sports like football, soccer and field hockey continue to wait for the green light from the Ohio governor's office regarding competition between schools.
RELATED: Join the Cincinnati area high school sports Facebook group
Ohio High School Athletic Association senior director of communications Tim Stried joined the WCPO High School Insider to discuss the start of the fall sports season and what may be the next steps for contact sports this month.

Also, Mercy McAuley athletic director and volleyball coach Denise Harvey discusses the start of fall sports and how her student-athletes have adapted to the new health and safety protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic.
"This is one of the most unique things in that one day I feel like I can feel very confident about an outcome and then the very next day I can be very deflated," Harvey said. "So this is another challenge just to kind of keep that even-keel positive look about it."
Listen to this episode in the player above.