

WATCH: Young girl beats Reds speedster in race

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FLORENCE, Ky. – When it's show-and-tell in Charlotte Pinkiewicz's kindergarten class, the 5-year-old will have a great story to tell and a video to prove it.

Charlotte, of Burlington, Ky., went to the Reds Caravan with her dad at Florence Mall Sunday. Stan Pinkiewicz is a big baseball fan and wants to pass it on to Charlotte.

“Show her how fun baseball is," he said. "Baseball is one of the greatest games going.”


When Charlotte got a chance to speak during the Q&A with players, he challenged Reds speedster Billy Hamilton to a race.

“She’s into racing people right now and into everything she can do fast,” her dad said.

Hamilton accepted the challenge and pointed down the mall to an imaginary finish line. Charlotte sped across the mall, leading Hamilton from start to finish, with one of baseball's best base stealers feigning exhaustion at the end.

To prove Hamilton wasn't a sore loser, he took off his Reds jersey, signed it and gave it to Charlotte.

The 5-year-old said she already was a Reds fan.

"A lot ... a big fan," she told WCPO.

Now she's a really big fan.

"Like 100 big,” she said.

Charlotte, a softball player herself, says she plans to wear her Billy Hamilton jersey to the Reds game.

“Every Reds game,” she said.


Pre race smack talking Charlotte vs Billy Hamilton. Great Great Guy!!!!

Posted by Stan Pinkiewicz on Sunday, January 31, 2016


Charlotte got on Mic during Q&A. Billy Hamilton I heard you are fast well I'm fast let's race... Challenge Accepted and Charlotte won the Bet for his Signed Jersey!!!

Posted by Stan Pinkiewicz on Sunday, January 31, 2016


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