

Amazing Billy Hamilton adds to highlight reel with first-to-home dash

Just when Red Sox thought they had him picked off
Amazing Billy Hamilton adds to highlight reel with first-to-home dash
and last updated

CINCINNATI – Never mind President Trump and the NFL. Did you see Billy Hamilton Sunday?

If not, you gotta watch this.

Hamilton turned a base-running blunder against the Red Sox into another Top Play on his highlight reel.

The speedster got caught in a rundown after leaning the wrong way off first base and appeared to be  picked off.  But second baseman Dustin Pedroia made a wild throw, and Hamilton ran all the way around the bases when nobody covered home. His head-first slide was a classic.

“In my whole career, that’s one of the best ones, especially since I was in a rundown and just trying to get to second base and then I end up scoring,” Hamilton said.