Your phone number: 513-262-3406
When it comes to social media, you can find me…@PaulaChristian_
Position Investigative reporter
When did you start working here? May 2015
Where else have you worked? Cincinnati Business Courier, Tampa Tribune, Winston-Salem Journal, Greensboro News & Record as a staff writer, and numerous other publications throughout Ohio as a freelance journalist.
Where did you go to college? Syracuse University
What are you most proud of when it comes to your work?Holding government officials accountable. Watching where taxpayer dollars are spent. Asking questions until I get answers. This led me to win two Greater Cincinnati Society of Professional Journalists awards for government reporting, and be named a finalist for investigative reporting in 2018.
What are you most proud of in your own life? Watching my beautiful family of five children grow into adults. My peace comes from my time at home with them, and my wonderful husband.
What do you love about living in the Tri-State?After 16 years here, it is home to me. Each time my East Coast family comes to visit, I show them how lucky we are to buy last minute tickets to a Bengals or Reds or FC Cincinnati game, grab a great dinner without reservations, and enjoy big city amenities in what feels like a small town.
What are your favorite local hangouts/places, sports & cultural institutions? You can usually find me on any soccer field within a 100-mile radius (and beyond) watching my children play, at the Quarter Bistro in Mariemont, or the Cincinnati Sports Club gym. Or walking my handsome black Labrador Retriever.
All-time favorites...(movies, shows, books, music) Movies: Movies: I try to see every movie nominated for an Academy Award.
Books: American history and biographies.
Shows: Just finished Ozark, The Handmaid’s Tale, Peaky Blinders, The Crown
Music: Strictly NPR and WVXU on my radio at all times … until my children get in the car.
Apps I can't live without: Google Maps, Waze, Words with Friends, Team Snap