
Large store still closed? Try a smaller business instead

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BELLEVUE, Ky. — While some larger businesses are keeping their physical stores closed, smaller businesses, like Coda Co. in Bellevue, Kentucky, are ready for customers to come back.

Coda Co. owner Kelti Ziese said the time after the holidays is usually slow for her business, but nothing like it's been for the past few months.

"I would say the first month was pretty rough," Ziese said. "There was a really big dip in the sales and then we just tried to get creative, probably like a lot of people did. What can we do to stay afloat?"

In order to survive, Coda Co. started offering free shipping to local customers who ordered online with the hopes that it would attract more business.

Now that stores in Kentucky are allowed to open though, Ziese said she and her business are doing everything they can to get people back inside.

"We have been trying to stock up on cleaning supplies," Ziese said. "It's hard to find right now, but we're planning on sanitizing between each customer ... "

The store is encouraging people to wear masks, but not requiring customers to wear them. All Coda Co. employees will be wearing masks, though.

"I know [masks are] not everybody's thing, but of course it always makes everybody feel a little more comfortable," Ziese said.

If you decide to go shopping in Kentucky, you might want to call ahead to see if the store is open, and stores also have a 33% capacity limit on the number of customers they allow inside at one time.