CINCINNATI — The Lick Run Greenway project brought major permanent traffic changes Saturday for Western Hills Viaduct drivers and others in South Fairmount, with more to come this summer, according to the Metropolitan Sewer District.
See the details below.
What Changed Saturday

The Beekman Street connector closed along with the Beekman Street / Queen City Avenue exit from the upper and lower decks of the viaduct. That means drivers westbound on the viaduct must exit onto northbound Harrison Avenue.
In addition, the short stretch of Queen City Avenue between Harrison Avenue and Beekman Street became a two-way street.
Drivers trying to get to northbound Beekman Street from the viaduct will exit onto northbound Harrison Avenue, turn right (east) onto the new two-way portion of Queen City Avenue, then turn left (north) onto Beekman Street.
FOLLOW MSD on Twitter @CincinnatiMSD for the latest schedule/traffic updates.
The $90 million Lick Run Greenway was designed to be a mile-long bioengineered creek in a park-like setting through the valley corridor. Construction, which began in July 2017 and is expected to continue into spring 2020, has necessitated many traffic changes.
What Changes This Summer
MSD says the final traffic configuration will take effect in mid-summer. When it does, it will look like this:

• All lanes from the Western Hills Viaduct will exit onto northbound Harrison Avenue.
• Harrison Avenue between the Western Hills Viaduct and Queen City Avenue will have four northbound lanes and two southbound lanes.
• Queen City Avenue between Harrison Avenue and Beekman Street will have one lane in each direction with a two-way turn lane in the middle.
These Traffic Changes Took Place Earlier In The Project
The following project-related traffic changes are currently in place:
• The southbound lane of State Avenue is closed between the ramp from Harrison Avenue and Queen City Avenue. The northbound lane is open.
• The new Harrison Avenue between Westwood and Queen City avenues is partially open with two southbound lanes and one northbound lane from the lower deck of the Western Hills Viaduct.
• Quebec Road is closed between Westwood and Queen City avenues.
• Continuous left turn onto Westwood Avenue from White Street. No left turns from Westwood onto White Street.
• Various temporary lane restrictions along Queen City Avenue, Westwood Avenue, and adjacent streets for the relocation of utilities and/or construction of new sewer segments.
LEARN more about the Lick Run Greenway project.