BELLEVUE, Ky. -- When Melissa McIntyre saw her third-grader’s homework assignment, she got angry. The mom took to Facebook, writing it was “very inappropriate” and “makes [her] so sad.”

The assignment involved an essay about children during the Great Depression going to movies. It sounded harmless enough, until a question about “a very fat child” who “had trouble sharing a seat.”
Teachers said the essay was for reading comprehension – they didn’t spot the insensitive language until after the assignment had been sent home. They sent home an apology note to parents, calling the sheet “disheartening and offensive.”
“We recognize that portions of the passage and the comprehension questions used were inappropriate and disturbing,” the teachers wrote. “You can trust that we will be diligent in choosing materials used with your children. Like you, we only want the best for our students.”
McIntyre said she’s moving out of the district.
Bellevue Superintendent Rob Smith said neither the school nor the board had heard any complaints besides the Facebook post.