

Panel to discuss correlation between Ohio gun violence and pandemic

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CINCINNATI — Two mass shooting survivors and a politician who saw her city through a mass shooting will lead a discussion today at 10 a.m. on how the recent uptick in violence across Ohio might be connected to the pandemic.

Whitney Austin, who survived being shot 12 times in the Fifth Third shooting, Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley and Oregon District shooting survivor Dion Green will be discussing gun violence across Ohio, the pandemic and a new piece of legislature called the STRONG Ohio bill as part of the Summer of Strong series.

The bill is a 17-point plan to reduce gun violence across the state. Some of those steps include offering more mental health resources in schools, increased penalties for gun crimes and protection orders for people who need to be separated from their firearm.

"When you think about the pandemic and the risk factors for gun violence, whether they are lack of resources in the community or increased isolation, increased mental stress... all of these things are risk factors and they come together to lead to more homicide, more suicide, more domestic violence," Austin said.

For more information about the Summer of Strong series and how to register to watch it this morning, click here.