In our year-plus of airing Feedback Friday, the weekly segment that puts viewers’ voices and opinions on the air, we’ve fielded calls containing glowing praise, sharp criticism and — one fateful Monday night — a fair bit of wordless screaming.
We love all of it. Even that last bit.
Feedback Friday exemplifies some of our most dearly held values at WCPO: Letting the people of our area speak for themselves, fostering conversations among the community and being on viewers’ sides.
Personal connections to and interactions with Cincinnatians of all kinds are what continued to make local journalism special and valuable in 2018, a year in which national outlets sometimes crowded out their local cousins.
We know they’ll continue to do so in 2019. As long as you keep calling and writing, we’ll keep giving you a place to be heard.
Watch the video above to see some of Craig McKee’s favorite Feedback Friday submissions of 2018. If you’ve got feedback of your own, call 513-852-4998.