Christian Moerlein's Mount Auburn home can be yours for $320,900

The 1870 Italianate home of beer baron Christian Moerlein is on the market for $320,900.Liz Engel | WCPO contributor
The 1870 Italianate home of beer baron Christian Moerlein, on Mulberry Street in Mount Auburn, is on the market for $320,900.Liz Engel | WCPO contributor
The 1870 Italianate home of beer baron Christian Moerlein is on the market for $320,900, but would probably require another $400,000 of renovations.Liz Engel | WCPO contributor
The stairwell inside beer baron Christian Moerlein's 1870 Mount Auburn home.Liz Engel | WCPO contributor
Much of the original woodwork in beer baron Christian Moerlein's 1870 Mount Auburn home is intact.Liz Engel | WCPO contributor
A detail on the Mount Auburn home of former beer baron Christian Moerlein. Liz Engel | WCPO contributor
The balcony of former beer baron Christian Moerlein's Mount Auburn home.Liz Engel | WCPO contributor
The former home of Christan Moerlein as it appears during work to stabilize the historic structure.Liz Engel | WCPO contributor