Meteorologist Jennifer Ketchmark is sharing the details of her second pregnancy with this blog, where she will update readers on everything from what's different this time around to what her nursery looks like and the big gender reveal. Check back every month for a new update!
There’s nothing like sharing good news that you’ve been holding as a secret for a few months.
On Monday, March 21, I finally announced that my husband, Mitch, and I are expecting baby No. 2. I’m now 16 weeks pregnant! Do the math and it means I’m due in mid to late September.
Our daughter, Stella, is 4-and-a-half years old so this pregnancy comes five years after the last one and I can honestly say that it’s different.
To start, the fatigue hit me instantly. I basically went to work and then went home and slept until it was time for dinner. My husband is an angel and didn’t say a word for weeks; he just let me sleep and picked up my slack in the laundry and cleaning departments.
I’m sure getting up every day at 1:15 a.m. doesn’t help with the fatigue either.
I also had horrible morning sickness around the 4-6 week mark. I about lost it on TV! Poor Jason Adams was on standby, ready to hand me a trash can and take over.
I didn’t have ANY morning sickness last time. Some are saying it’s a sign that it’s a boy this time around. I’m not 100 percent sold that this sign points to a boy; maybe it just points to my need for more small meals all day long. It seemed like once I started eating small meals every 2-3 hours, the morning sickness faded. But thank goodness I never puked on TV!
And don’t get my started on how my body is already different with baby No. 2. I can honestly say I wasn’t as fit (not as toned) this time. Plus ... I’m 5 years older! I could see a baby bump at 7 weeks, which was too much for my brain to comprehend! Even my husband remarked on how quickly I was showing. After talking to several mommy friends, they all said it was normal. Apparently my body is remembering what it went through.
It’s just funny how my bump didn’t show up until nearly 20 weeks last time and this time it was in a blink of an eye. I’m already in that awkward phase where most of my normal clothing is too snug but maternity clothing is too big.

Me at 14 weeks pregnant
But let me tell you, I did put on a pair of maternity pants over the weekend and the feeling was glorious!
I think the biggest difference about this pregnancy is a little thing called perspective. I worried about every single detail 5 years ago. I analyzed everything from my food to sleep to exercise to stress. This time, I’m just taking it easy and remembering what worked well.
The biggest thing this has impacted is my stress level: It’s basically at zero because I know God has a plan. If you ever run across me in public you’ll notice that I’m walking a little slower, taking my time and constantly have little snacks hidden in my purse. This week’s quick snack: Cheez-Its.
To come: Revealing the gender and putting together the nursery.

My 4 1/2-year-old daughter, Stella, in my pregnancy announcement