Going to Babies R Us or Buy Buy Baby at seven months pregnant is dangerous. I want to buy it all … but shouldn’t and can't!
To avoid charging way too much to my credit card on impulse purchases, I asked one of the lovely employees at the Florence Babies R Us for help.
My request was simple: Point out the best new products since my daughter was born five years ago. Here’s what our journey produced.
Better Protected Baby Monitors
Some people love baby monitors. We did audio only with our baby monitor five years ago. It did the trick and we honestly didn’t use it that much. Video monitors were around back then too but very expensive. Now, video monitors with better Wi-Fi protection are available and have really come down in cost. This iBaby Monitor caught my eye while we were shopping at Babies R Us.
iBaby Monitor
I like that the camera has a large area of rotation, video that works day or night, two-way audio and the ability to be monitored online.
But instead of having a monitor (that I can always misplace), it can be viewed from your phone. The convenience factor is huge on this one, but I’m still debating whether it’s worth $200 when I could just walk upstairs and look through the door.
I’ll be honest, if you look at the picture, this looks disgusting!! Where do those boogers end up, in your mouth? After doing a little research on this one, I learned it’s not only sanitary but so smart. I want one to replace my bulb aspirator!
The NoseFrida
No worries: A filter keeps the snot in the bottom part of the tube. You just use the power of your lungs to get that congestive mucus out. A baby that isn’t stuffy is a happy baby!
Nursing covers were around when I had Stella and were more like a giant adult bib. It worked, but I felt like it was an big sign that said, “Look out, baby being fed.”
Nursing Happens breastfeeding scarf
The new options for nursing covers look more like infinity scarfs. They are more stylish and could actually be worn with an outfit instead of being stuffed inside your diaper bag. It also seemed like lighter and more breathable fabric. Our baby boy is coming in the fall, so an infinity scarf cover-up sounds like a win in my book.
This is so happening at my house. My brother-in-law and his wife just had a son and they swear by this rocker. The little pedal at the bottom of the frame actually rocks this back and forth for you, soothing baby to sleep.
A self-rocking bassinet
I can see this hanging around my kitchen as a place for the baby to hang out while I clean bottles and do dishes. Plus, it’s portable. Done!
This idea was around when we had Stella but it was a very floppy seat that had to be strapped to the chair. It kept the baby very low.
Chicco portable high chair
Chicco has this new portable high chair that secures right onto the table top, is more rigid and keeps the kid at tabletop level. I like it and at $40 it’s not a terrible price for a Chicco product.
OK, these spoons aren’t rocket science since we can figure out how hot baby food is with a quick touch. But if that spoon is glowing white, you better believe I’m going to save my lip from a possible sting of heat.
Munchkin white hot spoons
It’s parenting made simple and one of the cheaper new products that I noticed. Plus, I can’t find half my baby spoons so this might be worth the buy anyway.
Isn’t this adorable? You put it in the sink, and it keeps your little one comfortable when taking a bath. As we parents know, babies don’t stay sink-sized all that long so this doesn’t have a long lifespan on it. But I like what it offers and keeps you from bending over in the tub to clean up your baby.
Blooming Bath
This is another product that I’m not sure whether I will actually buy, but I do like the idea. There are other options that are just molded foam boards that serve the same purpose. File this under “Cute, but more of a luxury purchase.”
Do you like making your own baby food? I enjoyed this with Stella, and I’ll likely do it again. Squeeze pouches are great too and now Infantino offers a “make your own” station. The price isn’t bad at $25, but the pouches can only be used one time.
Infantino food pouches
I get why: They would be difficult to clean. I’m not sure if this is something that I’ll put on the top of my “must have” list but it was definitely new since I had Stella and meets a need down the road when I start making my own baby food.
Here’s what I love about this: First it’s $4.99 and smart. Instead of trying to get your wiggly baby or toddler to sit still and attempt to not get water in their eyes, you put the blue rubber part against your child's forehead and pour.
Bathtime rinse cup
I’ll take anything that makes bath time fun and tear free. And at that price, it’s a no brainer.
OK, so now that you've read about the new products I'd like to try, I want to know: What was your favorite baby product when your children were small?
Maybe they are classics from 20 years ago or things that just came out last week. I’d love to hear why they made your life easier or made caring for your baby more simple.