

Tutu-clad Wyoming residents protest senator's remarks on LGBTQ discrimination

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GREYBULL, Wyo. -- Republican Sen. Mike Enzi from Wyoming is getting more than he bargained for after telling high school students that a guy in a tutu at a bar is “asking for it” if he gets into fights.

Wyoming residents responded to Enzi’s statements by flocking to bars clad in tutus, saying they interpreted it as a suggestion that those who identify as LGBTQ face discrimination only if they’re too open.

Speaking at a Q-and-A on April 20 with students at Greybull High School, Enzi said he enjoys Wyoming because “you can be just about anything you want to be, as long as you don’t push it in somebody’s face,” according to The Greybull Standard

“I know a guy who wears a tutu and goes to bars on Friday night and is always surprised that he gets in fights. Well, he kind of asks for it. That’s the way that he winds up with that kind of problem,” Enzi said.

On April 25, Enzi told CNN he regretted his “poor choice of words.”

His apology didn’t stop the flow of social media posts from frill-festooned Wyomingites, often accompanied by the hashtag #LiveAndLetTutu. Take a look below, and find more social media reaction at the website here.


Mullen & Vanata: tutu foremen. #liveandlettutu #resistinginthered #stillnotaskingforit

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