

Pilot takes arial shots of wildfire

Pilot takes arial shots of wildfire

As a wildfire continues to burn in Alberta, Canada, Dan Foster took dramatic overhead footage of the wildfire on Monday. The wildfire continues to burn as the fire has moved east of the populated area of Fort McMurray, Alberta and towards the Saskatchewan border.

The helicopter Foster was in is one of 121 helicopters sent to battle the blaze, which has burned 204,000 hectares, and is still burning. As of Tuesday morning, 29 fires are still burning, but only two are considered out of control. 

Firefighters' efforts appear to be working. Nearly 90 percent of the Fort McMurray has been saved, according to officials. 



Heading back for fuel

A video posted by Dan Foster (@motoheli5) on


Heading back for fuel

A video posted by Dan Foster (@motoheli5) on