NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- A coalition of evangelical Christian leaders released a manifesto Tuesday espousing its beliefs that marriage should only be between one man and one woman, condemning homosexuality and polygamy.
The "Nashville Statement" drew ire on Twitter from Mayor Megan Barry who said it is "poorly named and does not represent the inclusive values of the city and people of Nashville."
The @CBMWorg's so-called "Nashville Statement" is poorly named and does not represent the inclusive values of the city & people of Nashville
— Megan Barry (@MayorMeganBarry) August 29, 2017
Denny Burk, president of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, explained the name comes simply from the location where it was signed. The manifesto was introduced at the national conference of the South Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission last Friday in Nashville, The Washington Post reports, to outline 14 core doctrines for modern Christians.
"As Western culture has become increasingly post-Christian, it has embarked upon a massive revision of what it means to be a human being. By and large the spirit of our age no longer discerns or delights in the beauty of God’s design for human life," reads the statement's preamble.
Each of the statement's 14 "articles" affirm and deny some aspect of modern sexuality. Some are quite innocuous, such as Article 3's claim that "we deny that the divinely ordained differences between male and female render them unequal in dignity or worth."
Burk said others, like Article 10, have gotten considerable pushback. That article says "it is sinful to approve of homosexual immorality or transgenderism and that such approval constitutes an essential departure from Christian faithfulness and witness."
Burk wrote that they drew this "line in the sand" to remind Christians that rejecting "God's revelation about sexual holiness and virtue is rejecting Christianity altogether."
The statement drew both condemnation and compliments as it trended on Twitter Wednesday. See some of the responses below.
Jesus didn't say the #NashvilleStatement. Instead, he said the greatest commandment is to love God & 2nd greatest is to love your neighbor.
— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) August 29, 2017
I'm grateful for the graciousness of the Nashville Statement as well as its clarity & orthodoxy. Co-sign. @CBMWorg
— Chelsen Vicari (@ChelsenVicari) August 29, 2017
Imagine being an LGBTQ victim of Harvey. Feeling hopeless & leaning into your faith. Then having to read the #nashvillestatement @JohnPiper
— Devon Bailey (@Devon_Bailey) August 30, 2017
Surprised that #NashvilleStatement, from the top complementarian org, is trending among ppl who've never heard of them or complementarianism
— kate shellnutt (@kateshellnutt) August 30, 2017
The LGBTQ community is watching us right now.
How you respond right now will say a whole lot to them. #NashvilleStatement
— Sierra White (@iSierraNichole) August 30, 2017