

Football! and one giant pizza


Here are three stories you may have missed from the weekend:

I'm back up to three fantasy football leagues. I didn't get off to a great start in Week 1. It looks like the only league I have a chance to start 1-0 is the one where I play my 5-year-old son. I need a comeback to pick up the win there. And before you think ill of me for hoping to beat my 5-year-old, you should know: He has won back-to-back fantasy football championships. Looking for some fantasy football pointers? Sports reporter Laurel Pfahler asked several Bengals players which of their teammates they would like on a fantasy football team.

Speaking of football: We have renewed our partnership with Tri-State Football to bring you outstanding local high school football coverage. One of the features we have added is a weekly Top 9 list about area high school football. These are fun rankings meant to start conversation. Before the season began, we ranked the Top 9 players at each position. Then we ranked the Top 9 area stadiums. Last week, we ranked the Top 9 players of the 21st century. Take a look. And tell us if you agree or disagree with our picks.

A few weeks ago, we wrote about area food challenges. Our own Maxim Alter and Anna Langlinais took on Ramundo's giant pizza challenge. The results are hilarious.

Mike Canan is editor of Contact him at Follow him on Twitter or Instagram at @Mike_Canan.