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Union Township Fire Department closes baby box due to 'outdated' Ohio Department of Health regulations

Chief says the department can no longer meet staffing requirements deemed necessary by legislation
Safe Haven Baby Box

UNION TOWNSHIP, Ohio — The Union Township Fire Department is closing its Safe Haven Baby Box due to "burdensome" and "outdated red tape" from the Ohio Department of Health, Union Township officials said in a press release.

Under Ohio's Safe Haven Law, a baby box, also known as a newborn safety incubator, allows parents to anonymously surrender a newborn without facing criminal charges.

According to the Ohio Department of Health, any location that has an infant safety incubator is required to have an authorized person on-duty and in the building 24/7.

The Union Township Fire Department said since the baby box was installed at fire station 50 in May of 2022 it has been able to meet this requirement by using employees who were already restricted to "light duty" or through "floating personnel assignments." But according to the Township, this is no longer feasible, and there needs to be a more long-term solution.

Fire Chief Stanley Deimling said the baby box has a 24-hour camera monitoring system that alerts 911 whenever the box is opened but that technically doesn't meet ODH requirements, and as a result, the baby box will remain closed until further notice. Deimling said the legislation was written before baby boxes had this advanced monitoring technology and until changes are made, his hands are tied.

Deimling said he hopes the closure is only temporary because the township is currently working with local legislators as well as ODH for a "legislative fix to settle this issue once and for all."

According to Deimling, the baby box at fire station 50 on Old State Route 74 in Batavia has never been used but it is an important resource to protect some of the most vulnerable people and give them a second chance at life.

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