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Mothers create "Kare-Farm" so no parent grieves alone

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COVINGTON, Ky. — Grieving mothers in Ohio and Northern Kentucky found each other and created a community for other parents like them.

The non-profit "Kare-Farm" offers free help for anyone who has lost a loved one.

Stephanie Pfennig and Christa Plummer were once strangers who were connected through grief. Both of their daughters died in 2016. Pfennig's daughter, Katie, died in a hiking accident. Plummer's daughter, Avery, was killed by an intoxicated driver.

Katie and Avery are buried in the same cemetery. That is where their mother's met.

"Just grew, it just everything kind of happened there. We would just kind of go there and process and talk and I don't think what we realized what we were doing was, was probably was really just processing the not just their lives, but what are our lives now," Plummer said.

They found strength in each other and wanted to share that same support with others. That is how Kare-Farm was created.

The name is short for Kate and Avery's Retreat Experience. Retreats are held on a farm in Brooksville, Kentucky and are free.

"About like processing and connecting with somebody who knows exactly the spot you're in," Pfennig said, adding, "We also service and we will have professionals available who need them, we have other guests services like massage and prayer if they'd like…yoga…."

The next retreat is already filled. Several others are planned throughout the year.

"We want people to know that there is a community out there. We want people to be hopeful that that there is a next step. There is an ability to reinvest and that's really what this this is really what it's all about home right yeah," Plummer said.

A March Madness fundraiser is being held for "Kare-Farm" next Saturday at Legend's Bar and Grill in Covington.