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Moms Demand Action, Congressman Greg Landsman rally for gun control as part of Mother's Day of Action 2023

Volunteers with Moms Demand Action called for a renewal of the federal assault weapons ban at a rally Saturday
Moms Demand Action rally

CINCINNATI — Volunteers with Moms Demand Action said they rallied and marched on Saturday ahead of Mother's Day so that their kids — and future generations — wouldn't have to fear assault style weapons in their schools, malls or anywhere else.

Anna Albi said it was a rally to save lives.

"Frankly, enough is enough," Albi said.

Albi, like all others in the group of more than 100 protesters, called for the federal government to renew the nationwide ban on assault style weapons that expired under the Bush administration.

She said she marched weapons like the AR-15 were commonly used in mass shootings across the US.

"Today, we are joined by parents of all ages," Albi said. "But we are also joined by kids. Kids who are too young to remember Columbine, too young to remember even Sandy Hook."

Rob Sexton, legislative affairs director of the Buckeye Firearms Association, however, said the type of gun isn't the issue.

"Scapegoating law abiding people or simply a firearm is not the answer," he said.

Sexton said he believes campaigns like Moms Demand Action are thinly veiled attempts by gun control advocates to ban all guns because criminals inherently don't follow the law.

"Since those are illegal, I'm not going to go to that school, or I'm not going to go to the mall?" Sexton said. "No, they're just going to move to another firearm... and ultimately, Moms Demand Action, I'd be willing to make you a bet right now, you know they'd be pivoting to say lets ban handguns or lets ban another style of rifle."

Overall, Sexton believes the root issue is more complex and driven by a mental health crisis, and that overarching issue needs to be addressed first.

Congressman Greg Landsman, who was in attendance at the Moms Demand Action rally, agrees that mental health is an issue that needs to be addressed, but said more can be done to stop gun violence, such as a comprehensive background check, safe storage laws and more.

Moms Demand Action has started a petition to get congress to act on a federal assault weapons ban.

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