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Public records reveal why removed Elsmere councilwoman filed criminal complaint against constituent

The constituent denies all allegations, and in a Jan. 16 letter, the Kenton County chief prosecutor declined to press charges.
Councilwoman Serena Owen

CINCINNATI — Public records shared with WCPO 9 News reveal that removed Elsmere Councilwoman Serena Owen filed a criminal complaint against a constituent in January for alleged online harassment.

While the county attorney declined to prosecute the Elsmere resident, Eric Bunzow, he said the ordeal has had an impact on him.

"There was never any threat of violence. There was never a threat against anybody or anyone in any of the posts, because I'm not that type of person," Bunzow said.

He denied all allegations found in the criminal complaint, which contains miscellaneous copies of online posts Owen claims are harassing posts, a copy of a Kentucky Attorney General's office complaint, an Elsmere city email thread and an open records request copy Bunzow made.

WATCH: Why did a Northern Kentucky councilwoman file a criminal complaint against her constituent?

Elsmere council woman removed for missing meetings wanted constituent criminally charged

WCPO reached out to Owen several times on Thursday but has not heard back.

In one such Facebook post, Bunzow wrote about Owen's attendance in August 2024.

"The fact that (Owen) wants to sit and call me a liar is the reason why I'm even saying anything and I hope that you decide not to vote for her in November," he wrote on Aug. 31. "If I missed 11 of 16 days of work, my boss would fire me."

Most of the Facebook posts found in the complaint revolve around Owen's lack of attendance at city council meetings.

A previous WCPO analysis of public records, confirmed by the City of Elsmere, showed Owen missed 16 of 23 (69.6%) public meetings in 2024. The last meeting she attended took place in June 2024. And Owen has missed every council meeting this year so far.

"(I) was literally asking questions and making statements that were actually truthful," Bunzow said. "The biggest complaint that I have is that she's not at the meetings."

In the complaint, Owen claims she received at least one online death threat in a note jotted at the bottom of one page: "*RIP - life threat concern."

Owen Death Threat
In the complaint, Owen said claims she received at least one online death threat in a note jotted at the bottom of one page: "*RIP - life threat concern."

In her complaint to Elsmere police, Owen tried to make a case for charging Bunzow.

"(Owen) advised in the summer months of 2024 Bunzow began harassing her online. Victim Owen advised Bunzow was lying and spreading misinformation about her," the complaint read.

In an email found in the complaint, Owen wrote under a section titled police report, "(Bunzow) began unwarrantedly attacking me on my peaceful Facebook posts, stating lies about me receiving pay while absent."

"Because she has physical checks that the city has given her," Bunzow said.

WCPO has reviewed copies of city pay stubs made out to Owen between May and August 2024. The records show Owen's earnings and deductions, but in the complaint, Owen insists she wasn't paid by the city for her role and those copies are "fake checks."

Owen checks

In a Jan. 16 letter, Kenton County's chief prosecutor declined to press charges against Bunzow.

"The public must enjoy the right to petition their government for a redress of grievances. Ms. Owen must understand that she is the government by virtue of her office of Councilmember," he wrote. "While this right is not without limits, our laws have always supported the right of the public to confront those that represent them in a reasonable manner, on matters of public concern."

WCPO reached out to the Elsmere Police Department for an update on the case but has not heard back as of the publishing of this article.

Earlier this month, the Elsmere City Council unanimously voted to begin the removal process for Owen after she was absent at the majority of council meetings last year.

Under state law, Owen is afforded a public hearing over the matter and has 30 days to request one. She also has the opportunity to appeal the motion in the Kenton County Circuit Court.