COVINGTON, Ky. — If you’re looking for a cabinet of curiosities or proprietors of the paranormal, Northern Kentucky's Hierophany & Hedge is your one-stop shop for supplies of the magical kind all year long.

"We have ghost stories and scented candles and all kinds of wonderful things," said shopkeeper Coil. "And if you want to dabble in a little spell crafting, we'll help with that too."
Nestled on West Pike Street, some may walk right on by. But others notice this is no ordinary shop.
"It is a magic shop. A place where you can buy or read or experience or touch anything that you might need to do magic," Coil said.
The store and its keepers maintain an air of mystery, using monikers and dressing in impeccable fashions from an analog era.
"We discourage people from actually taking video in the shop. There's this sense that so much of the time we spend existing today is existing through our screens," said Auger, "And in this virtual environment there really is just nothing like existing in a physical space."
She’s a little woodsy, he’s bookish and together Augur and Coil are perfect partners, happy to help their customers select a wand or maybe a book best read by candlelight.
"We love inviting people into the shop and showing them around. Guiding them as best we can through all kinds of strange and unusual things," said Coil.
Their hours are unusual too, in that they change week to week.
"We update them on Sunday nights and we try to get them out as and in as many places as we can," she said.
So if you’re ready to spend a few moments among owls and amulets, step inside and fall under their spell.
"Our goal is to help people remember that the world is an enchanted place."