This week on the Hear Cincinnati podcast, host Brian Niesz is joined by community reporter Lucy May and senior manager of enterprise/investigative Meghan Goth to discuss a local pharmacist-turned-tech-CEO, a judge's sex scandal, a group advocating to replace Cincinnati Police with a "public safety" department, and more.
Later, near the 25-minute mark, Brian is joined by WCPO reporter Monique John to discuss her report on the Alexandra Apartments complex, what it means to Walnut Hills, and why its future is uncertain.
Notable Links:
- Ohio Values: How this pre-pandemic cruise picture represents the values Shannon Jones holds dear
- Peerro: This pharmacist-turned-CEO has an app to connect young people with jobs and brighter futures
- Cincinnati-based First Student removes its claim that school bus disinfectant 'kills' COVID-19 for up to 30 days
- Judge Dawn Gentry's alleged sex and drinking partner hasn't testified in her misconduct hearing
- Group seeking to replace Cincinnati Police with ‘public safety’ department
- It's the 'heart' of Walnut Hills. But will the residents who call it home soon be asked to leave?
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