This week on the Hear Cincinnati podcast, host Brian Niesz is joined by community reporter Lucy May and senior manager of enterprise/investigative Meghan Goth to discuss local music through the lens of Black History Month, snowplow special treatment and Cincinnatians stuck in the Texas snow.
Next, I-Team reporter Dan Monk and Lucy May discuss their report on an out-of-town landlord whose Avondale property, which was cited for failure to repair heating and hot water for tenants, casts a spotlight on the inadequacies of the region’s pandemic-stressed housing market.
Listen to this episode in the podcast player above.
Notable Links:
- Cincinnati hip-hop 'artivist' is building on foundation created by pioneering blues singer
- Lounge Acts presents a Black History Month mixtape
- Two years after Route X: Do city leaders get their streets plowed first?
- Former WCPO anchor Clyde Gray describes being caught in devastating Texas snowstorm
- I-Team: City of Cincinnati fines out-of-town landlord for problems at Avondale apartment complex
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