
Hear Cincinnati: One eighth of Ohio drivers licenses were suspended in 2018

$500M stands in the way of drivers seeking reinstatement
and last updated

This week on Hear Cincinnati, host Brian Niesz is joined by community reporter Lucy May, reporter/anchor Evan Millward, and senior manager of enterprise/investigative Meghan Wesley to discuss a Cincinnati software company that is helping people with disabilities gain independence, Tracie Hunter's early release from prison, Hamilton County's large legal bills, a crash that destroyed the Ludlow-Bromley Yacht Club, and more.

Later at 40:30, Brian is joined by WCPO reporter Mariel Carbone to discuss Ohio House Bill 285, which looks to establish a permanent Driver’s License Reinstatement Fee Debt Reduction Amnesty Program. The program helps to reduce or waive fees for people with low incomes.

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