
Hear Cincinnati Podcast: 911 action plan, secret meeting about The Banks

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This week on Hear Cincinnati, host Brian Niesz, reporter Lucy May, enterprise and investigative manager Meghan Wesley and content coordinator Scott Kyser discuss DAAP students making toys for homeless kids, the NFL draft, free bees and more.

Brian then talks with government and politics reporters Amanda Seitz and Paula Christian about Acting City Manager Patrick Duhaney proposal to add significant funding to the city’s long-troubled 911 system.

Later, Brian continues with Amanda and Paula to discuss why the public group charged with making decisions on The Banks project met in secret Wednesday to discuss a concert venue on the riverfront.

Listen to this episode in the player above.

Notable links: 

  • 2:00 - The panel discusses Fiona, toys for the homeless, Bengals draft and more.
  • 19:50 - Reporters Amanda Seitz and Paula Christian discuss the plan to save the city's 911 system
  •  33:00  - Reporters Amanda Seitz and Paula Christian stay to talk about why the group that decides the future of The Banks met in private this week.

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Hear Cincinnati is back for the new year. This week, host Maxim Alter, digital editor Meghan Wesley, digital reporter Lucy May and 9 On Your Side anchor Kathrine Nero talk President Donald Trump, the Cincinnati Zoo's new baby hippo, the film "Hidden Figures," Adam Jones and much more. Photographer Emily Maxwell also walks us through covering the historic women's march in D.C. and I-Team reporter Hillary Lake gives us an exclusive look inside a local heroin treatment center. 

Listen to this episode in the player above.

WCPO Insiders can read more about these stories at

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