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5 former fraternity members sentenced in BGSU hazing death, Loveland man won't face jail time

Stone Foltz died of alcohol poisoning, investigators said
Stone Foltz death.PNG

LOVELAND, Ohio — The Loveland man convicted in connection to Stone Foltz's hazing death in March 2021 at Bowling Green State University will not face any jail time.

Thursday, a judge sentenced 21-year-old Arron Lehane to 28 days of house arrest, two years of probation and he'll need to pay a $500 fine. Lehane pleaded guilty to tampering with evidence, hazing and obstructing official business.

Investigators said Foltz died of alcohol poisoning after a fraternity initiation event in which he was hazed into finishing an entire bottle of alcohol. He was found unconscious by a roommate after members of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity dropped him off at his apartment.

Foltz died three days after he was put on life support.

Three other former fraternity members were sentenced to jail terms for their roles in Foltz's death.

Jarrett Prizel, 19, of Olean, New York, Daylen Dunson, 22, of Cleveland, and Ben Boyers, 21, of Sylvania, Ohio, had all pleaded guilty to reckless homicide and hazing counts. Dunson and Boyers also pleaded guilty to obstructing justice, while Dunson also admitted to tampering with evidence. Niall Sweeney, 21, of Erie, Pennsylvania, pleaded guilty to tampering with evidence and hazing.

Prizel was sentenced to 28 days in jail and two years probation. Dunson received a 21-day jail term and three years of probation, while Sweeney was given a 14-day jail sentence and two years of probation. All three were also sentenced to serve 28 days of house arrest.

Sentencing is pending for three other former fraternity members.

In a statement issued Thursday, Foltz’s parents, Shari and Cory Foltz, noted the sentencings were the conclusion for the former fraternity members. But the couple said, “There will be no closure for our family until hazing is permanently eradicated on college campuses.”

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