

Walnut Hills student journalists covering mayor election

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CINCINNATI -- The Walnut Hills High School newspaper is covering politics inside the building and in the community. 

So when Cincinnati mayor candidates John Cranley and Yvette Simpson debated the issues Tuesday, two of the journalists covering the event were from The Chatterbox, the school newspaper.

Chatterbox reporter Amanda Anderson got into journalism when a teacher told her it's about seeking truth and upholding integrity. 

"I think that's a real honorable pursuit, and I also enjoy, personally, politics - local and national," she said.

Anderson was joined at the event by Ryleigh Sanborn, who said she joined the paper because of her love of photography.

Both were hard at work Friday on a story comparing how candidates for Cincinnati offices present themselves to adults and students.

"I think they paid attention to us more than they have before just because we have more of an impact on social media and such, that they are starting to look at us," Sanborn said.

The panelists at the debate even asked the candidates one of Anderson's questions about finding solutions to the heroin crisis:

Their teacher, Samantha Gerwe-Perkins, said she was proud of their efforts.

"It's really exciting to see kids starting to think critically about all kinds of things," she said. 

Their article in the mayor race will run in the Oct. 20 edition of The Chatterbox.