

University of Cincinnati alumni attend first homecoming in 57 years

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CINCINNATI -- Saturday night's game didn't shake out in the Bearcats' favor -- especially at the end -- but the team's 31-28 loss couldn't disrupt Pidge and Bob Osborn's homecoming enthusiasm. 

The pair met in the '50s at an intramural volleyball game between Pidge's sorority and Bob's fraternity, then graduated in 1960 and moved to North Carolina. Although many of their friends have made it a habit to come back to Cincinnati as often as possible, the Osborns hadn't managed it until Saturday.

"This is the first homecoming game we've been back to for all the years," Pidge said.

Her former sorority sister and homecoming guide, Marlene Foley, said she and her husband, Rich, try to attend every year. Although the city has changed and tuition has leapt from $90 -- seriously -- to $5,500 per term, the Foleys look at most of the changes that have come to their former campus with excitement.

"We're so proud to see how it's grown," Marlene said. "The enrollment, the professors here -- you hear nothing but good things about UC today."