

How big is Jennifer Ketchmark's baby?

and last updated

There’s no denying it: I look and feel pregnant.

For those of you who watch Good Morning Tri-State, you’ve noticed the baby bump sticking out a little more each week. I’m currently 17 weeks pregnant. But maybe a bigger milestone is Kevin Necessary turning me into a cartoon this week! 

According to my Baby Center app, the baby is about 5 ounces and the size of a turnip.

When’s the last time you’ve actually held a turnip? I can honestly say never. Don’t laugh when you catch me at Kroger picking up a turnip and taking a picture at my weekly grocery visit.

Another site says it’s about the size of a pear; I like that analogy better! A pear sounds tasty for a snack, too.

A turnip, a pear and Jennifer Ketchmark

Either way, the baby is growing quickly this month. I can tell this because of the subtle aches I’m starting to feel across my stomach. There’s nothing like waking up in the middle of the night purely from the stretch and pain.

But it’s all worth it when you feel that faint little flutter of life. I think I sat around for a good hour after dinner this weekend just enjoying the flutter while downing a little vanilla ice cream. I can’t wait until my husband and daughter can feel the movement, too.

A big update is coming to my blog on April 25 when my husband and I announce the gender of the baby. Of course, a healthy baby is all we can ask for but I’m adamant about knowing. I’m a planner. I like order. I’m nesting. Hopefully the baby cooperates during the ultrasound.

Can I tell you a secret? We’ll actually know the gender a week before that but it will be sealed in an envelope from our doctor. A wonderful neighbor of ours is hosting a gender reveal party later that week. So I have to walk that envelope down to her house, hand it over … and not take a peek! Lord help me fight the temptation to look.

That’s all for now. See you back on April 25 with the blue or pink news!