NORWOOD, Ohio — Doing the same thing, in the same way, and expecting different results defines “insanity.” That's why Bishop Sonny James says it's crazy not to try something new.
I met him after our Search for Solutions conversation at the Lloyd Library in June. James invited me to talk to him about changes he’s seen and wants to see more of in Norwood.
“There are people listening saying ‘that’s them, that’s their project.’ No, it’s not. It's our project collectively, every household, every community, every church, every synagogue, every neighborhood, every municipality, every city, every state, the only way we're going to make a significant impact is for us to come together and stop just having all of these pockets,” Bishop James said.
Sunday at 6 p.m. at Norwood’s Victory Park, Bishop James is planning an event he calls “hearing every perspective.” He’s hopeful some of those voices will be teens.
What he’s heard from them already is something we all need to listen to.
“I'm hearing from a lot of them. 'Y'all don't really care. Folks do all that talking. But if I don't act the way they want me to act, if I don't say it just right, they give up on me. If you really hear if I scream, be there when I finished screaming, give me a hug and say it's going to be okay. Don't walk away because I don't act the way you want me to act.'"
Bishop James said if all goes well, more corporations and companies will join him, to bring in young men and women to teach and mentor them and show them there is more to life than what they see in their neighborhood or on social media.
He wants to create a hub where all the organizations doing the work in Greater Cincinnati can connect.
“With those small things, we can make big changes together. And no big eyes, no little you’s. It's about us coming together. And that's what I'm here to do. And I'm telling every organization come to the table, right? Come to the table, at least just listen.”