CINCINNATI — The New Year consistently ranks among the year’s deadliest days for alcohol-related traffic accidents, per the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
Last year, there were over 90 operating a vehicle while impaired crashes in the state of Ohio, according to AAA. One of those crashes led to a death.
“You’re impacting other families and other loved ones for lack of judgment,” said JT Smith, a staffing assistant with AAA in downtown Cincinnati.
Smith personally knows the impact drinking and driving can have.
“I lost a loved one due to someone drinking and driving, so I am a huge advocate that even one drink is one too many,” Smith said.

Before you get behind the wheel this holiday, or anytime you’re driving, Smith asks drivers to think about their decision. It could be the difference between life and death — and even if you don’t get in an accident there are still consequences.
“You’re looking at about $10,000 in fees and fines, jail time, losing driving privileges,” Smith said.
So what should you do if you’re drinking and celebrating the New Year?
“I think the number one thing is pre-plan,” Smith said. “Have someone be the designated driver. If you plan on going out as a group and celebrating, get your Uber apps, download Lyft.”
This New Year, Smith will be the designated driver for his friends to make sure everyone makes it home safe and alive.
“I get the privilege of being our designated driver and there’s not a problem. I know the four locations I’m picking my friends up, I know where I’m dropping them off and they don’t have any keys,” Smith said.

But if you and your friends go the rideshare route, Cincinnati-area law firm Lawrence & Associates is just one place that offered $25 Uber vouchers as part of their “Arrive Alive” campaign.
“Lawrence & Associates is committed to protecting our community and we want to make it easier for people to make the responsible choice. By providing these vouchers, we hope to save lives and make our roads safer for everyone,” said Justin Lawrence, managing partner at Lawrence & Associates.
Lawrence & Associates told WCPO that 200 vouchers were available for Cincinnati and NKY residents 21 and older.