BELLEVUE, Ky. -- Police said a man wearing only his underwear jumped the fence of a Bellevue home, sat down a towel and went for a dip in a kiddie pool on the porch.
Kevin Partin, the homeowner, said he tried to chase the man once he saw him in the pool, but he got away.
Kevin and his wife, Kelsey, have owned the home for three years.
"Nothing like this usually happens around here. Especially somebody running in their underwear,” he said.
Though she found the whole situation a little funny, Kelsey said it was more scary than anything, and she thinks the man has been at her home before.
"I have the impression he's been here before. He brought a towel with him,” she said. “He knew he was going to go for a dip in the kiddie pool."
Officer Marc Chapman has been with the Bellevue Police Department for a year, and this is the first time he has dealt with an incident like this.
“With this guy’s case, he lost his underwear over the second fence he jumped. He was naked for an hour or so, and then disappeared,” Chapman said.
Chapman said police are still looking for the man, but he probably won’t face charges.
"At the very least trespassing is just a violation. It would be like a parking ticket, and I know she's frustrated about it, but that's what the law says so our hands are tied,” he said.
He said the neighbors did the right thing in this case.
“Be vigilant. Watch what's going on, watch your neighborhood,” Chapman said. “Watch your neighbor’s house when they're out of town. When something happens, call police."
Kelsey has a message for whoever went for a swim in her kids’ pool.
"I'll protect my children. If he comes on the property again. I'll need the police to protect him. I won't need the police to protect me,” she said.
Anyone with information about this incident should call Bellevue police.