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BE NKY, Port Authority match repair funds for Purple People Bridge

Purple People Bridge closed due to fallen rocks

NEWPORT, Ky. — BE NKY, a economic development company, and the Northern Kentucky Port Authority approved matching funds in the amount of $62,500 for repairs on the Purple People Bridge on Friday.

This follows a pledge of an equal amount of money from the City of Newport earlier in the week.

This brings the total amount of money towards repairs to $125,000. The estimated cost for total repairs is $250,000, but this first round of funding aims to provide enough stability to reopen the bridge to pedestrians.

“The Purple People Bridge is an integral connector in the Cincinnati region, allowing nearly one million people a year to cross the Ohio River,” BE NKY Growth Partnership Board Chair Jim Dressman said in a press release. “With Labor Day, Oktoberfest Zinzinnati and BLINK quickly approaching, BE NKY is proud to provide the funding for this important regional icon to get reopened as quickly as possible.”

The bridge closed in May after a piece of sandstone broke off of the bridge on the Cincinnati side.

“It’s like the quickest route going back and forth, especially when you’re walking and running, exercising," said Newport resident Jamal Foster.

The Purple People Bridge is privately-owned, but the owners have said they'd need help to fund the repairs needed to reopen it to the public.

"It's a costly endeavor and the bridge company doesn’t have the funds to continue to do the preventative maintenance necessary for something like this," said Will Weber, president of the Purple People Bridge Company.

The City of Newport said fundraising efforts will continue and the hope is that the Purple People Bridge will be able to reopen by Labor Day weekend — when Riverfest will be held.