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Hazing report details allegations against Miami University fraternity suspended amid investigation

Miami University

OXFORD, Ohio — A hazing report completed by a Miami University student provides new details of an accusation of hazing that's led to the suspension of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity.

The report was filled out by a Miami student on behalf of the student who alleges hazing happened in an off-campus annex house for the fraternity.

According to the report, a student who'd accepted a bid at the reporting student's fraternity instead "was coerced and forced into accepting a bid at Sigma Alpha Epsilon."

After accepting that bid instead, the now-SAE pledge told the reporting student he'd been forced to cut communication with others, delete social media and cater to active fraternity members in an annex home for up to 24 hours a day, the report says.

The pledge eventually contacted the student who filed the report to ask if he could swap back to his fraternity, because SAE "was nor the right fit for him," according to the report.

"During this phone call, I noticed that his voice sounded shaky and fearful," wrote the student who reported the allegations.

After that, the pledge apparently dropped all communication with the student for two days, after which he called the student to say he'd been threatened for trying to leave SAE.

"He then began to explain what specifically was going on and said that the treatment was 'inhumane,'" the report reads. "I became concerned for him and his safety, so I drove to his dorm, picked him up and took him to the [REDACTED] house."

Once there, the pledge allegedly showed the student videos, screenshots of messages and photos from his time at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon house.

Specifically, the student said the pledge was forced to eat an entire can of chewing tobacco, then do a handstand.

"This pledge has never had nicotine and ended up vomiting," the report says. "He was then told to eat the throw up (he did not)."

The document goes on to say pledges were also forced to do wall sits while covered in baby oil; each time they slipped, they were forced to drink.

In addition, the report alleges the fraternity had a "pledge on duty" system in place where pledges worked shifts serving active members for chunks of time that spanned from 12 to 24 hours.

"One message that I was shown, an active told said pledge that he would hold a '12 gauge down his throat and watch his brain splatter,'" the student wrote in the report. "Also I was told that pledges were put in a basement and were not allowed to leave unless it was for food or a shower."

The student helped facilitate the pledge's swap from SAE into the student's fraternity, but said after SAE was notified the pledge would not be moving forward with the process at their house, they tried to convince him to stay, according to the report.

"They tried to convince him to stay and said things such as 'the first week is always the hardest,' 'you'll see why we do all the things we do,' 'we all had to go through it,' and 'some of [REDACTED] guys haze just to haze,'" the report says.

The pledge was aware the student submitted the hazing report, the document says, and the pledge's parents have been notified of the allegations.

WCPO reached out to Miami University for comment on the allegations and investigation. A university spokesperson said SAE has been suspended for the duration of the university's investigation into the allegations.

"A Miami University Greek organization (Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity) is under investigation and its activities have been summarily suspended by the Office of Community Standards for allegations of hazing.

The full statement from Miami University is below:

"Hazing of any kind is illegal and strictly prohibited at Miami University. Miami seeks to promote a safe environment where students may participate in activities and organizations without compromising their health, safety, or welfare."

"Under Collin’s Law and University policy, hazing is defined as doing, requiring, encouraging or coercing another, including the victim, to do:

  • Any act of initiation into any student organization or other University sanctioned organization or athletic team; or
  • Any act to continue or reinstate membership in or affiliation with any student organization or other University sanctioned organization or athletic team that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm to any person, including coercing another to consume alcohol or another drug.

Failure to intervene, prevent or report any act of hazing may also constitute a violation. Students or organizations found responsible for violating the code of conduct, endangering health or safety, and/or violating laws will be held accountable. This could mean, among other things, individual or organizational suspension or dismissal, disciplinary probation, or required attendance in a substance abuse program."
Zeta Beta Tau in June 2016 was found to be responsible for violating Miami University’s Code of Student Conduct related to hazing. The chapter was suspended from May 10, 2016 to May 10, 2018. The organization was able to file for a submission of a reorganization plan after Aug. 1, 2017, but the school said there have been no known plans for the chapter to return to campus.

In May 2019, Delta Tau Delta was found responsible for three violations of the Miami University Code of Conduct. That next month, Delta Tau Delta’s headquarters revoked the Miami University chapter’s charter.

Following an appeal by the chapter, findings of responsibility were upheld and the organization was suspended through March 16, 2034 with an option after March 16, 2029 to petition for an earlier return to campus.

Sigma Pi’s Miami University chapter was suspended from April 22, 2022 until May 14, 2023 after being found responsible for damage and theft of property, endangering health or safety, and violation of the law.

Later, Sigma Pi was found in violation of sanctions for maintaining a presence on campus after being suspended, and the suspension was extended to June 12, 2028.

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