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Monroe woman found not guilty by reason of insanity in husband’s shooting

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MONROE, Ohio — A Monroe woman was found not guilty by reason of insanity in the shooting of her husband following a bench trial last week in Butler County Common Pleas Court.

Nancy Imfeld, 64, was charged with felonious assault for the alleged shooting of her husband in 2021 at their Monroe home. Her attorney, Jonathan Fox, said Imfeld has a history of mental health issues and Monroe officers had been called to the Imfeld residence more than 140 times since 2011 for incidents due to his client’s mental health issues.

Imfeld was initially found incompetent but was restored to competency for trial with treatment at a mental health facility. Fox then entered an insanity plea on her behalf and the psychological evaluation supported the plea.

An insanity plea means the defendant at the time of the offense did not know, as a result of a severe mental disease or defect, the wrongfulness of their actions.

At the bench trial, evidence supporting the plea was submitted by stipulation of the defense and prosecution. Judge Keith Spaeth made the final determination on Thursday.

Spaeth ordered another evaluation for recommendation of treatment and care in “the least restrictive setting.”

Imfeld, who was released from jail months ago after the family posted bond, is scheduled to be back in court October 20 for disposition and treatment recommendation.

On Dec. 1, 2021, police and medics were called around 2:30 p.m. to the Imfelds’ residence on Apple Knoll Lane.

Nancy Imfeld was taken into custody at the scene. Her husband, Douglas, was taken to the hospital. He has since recovered from his injuries.

In the 911 call, a man, identified by police as Douglas Imfeld, screamed, “I’ve been shot. Help me.”

He told the dispatcher his wife shot him in the back.

“She’s standing here crying,” he said to the dispatcher.

Dispatchers tried to determine where the gun was located as officers were en route.

That’s when Douglas Imfeld handed the phone to his wife, who told dispatchers “I think I put it back in my purse,” according to the 911 call.

A woman, apparently Nancy Imfeld, also called 911 and said, “I don’t know what’s going on with my husband.”

She sobbed when dispatchers asked if she needed the police, fire or paramedics.

“I need everything,” she said.

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