

Two Middletown hotels hubs for drug activity, overdoses, police say

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MIDDLETOWN, Ohio -- Police said they have responded to two Middletown hotels for drug-related incidents, overdoses and instances of assault over 40 times in the last two years. 

Since January 2015, police have responded to Parkway Inn on North Verity Parkway for 11 overdoses, seven drug-related incidents and one homicide.

Less than two miles away at Ranch Inn, police have responded to 12 overdoses, nine drug-related incidents and four instances of assault since January 2015.

Janie King and her 12-year-old son live near Ranch Inn.

“I have to drive him around the corner to his friend's house because I won't let him pass the hotel because of all the drugs that are down there,” King said.

Middletown police chief Rodney Muterspaw said the anonymity of using in the motels is what draws addicts to rent rooms. 

"People don't want to shoot up in their homes or they don't want to shoot up around their families, so they go to a little hotel where they can get something cheap and fast,” Muterspaw said.

Jayesh Patel, of New Jersey, owns Parkway Inn, according to the Butler County Auditor’s Office. The manager of the motel is a cousin of Patel, Middletown police said. Steve Land, who also owns SAL Incorporated, owns Ranch Inn. 

Muterspaw said police presence at both hotels will continue to increase.

Neighbors like King have noticed increased patrols and hope they will help curb crime.

"They do try, the cops are down there all the time,” King said. “I'll look out and there'll be cop lights down there all the time, so they know what's going on."

WCPO reached out to both Patel and Land for comment and has not yet received a response.