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Family of 10-year-old killed in crash starts scholarship in his name

Posted 2:28 AM, Apr 28, 2019
and last updated 5:25 PM, Apr 28, 2019

NEWPORT, Ky. — Cameron Moler, 10, was killed in November in a vehicle crash in Brown County alongside his father and grandfather, when their car hit a tree.

Now, Moler's family is working to raise funds for a scholarship bearing his name.

The Cameron Moler Scholarship Foundation and Memorial Fund, founded by Moler's mother, aims to raise money to provide a scholarship that will help a student in Moler's grade at Kilgour Elementary when the class graduates in 2027 -- the year Moler would have graduated.

The family held a fundraiser Saturday evening at Jerzee's Pub and Grub in Newport that Moler's family hopes could become an annual event to raise funding for the scholarship.

"They're going to dedicate a corner of the library to Cameron, and that is one of the things we asked a lot of people to bring today, on top of donation or raffles or anything like that, bring a book," said Becki Morgan, a friend of the family.

The family wants to dedicate a corner of the Kilgour Elementary library, "Cam's Corner", to share the boy's love of reading with future Kilgour students for years to come. The family asked that attendees of the fundraiser Saturday bring children's books to donate for the corner, if they wished.

"They loved Kilgour," said Laura Whitman, a family friend. "Cam loved Kilgour. Cam touched so many of the kids at the school and they just wanted to be able to give back a little bit."

The fundraiser welcomed visitors, family, friends and strangers alike as people poured into the bar to commemorate Moler and help bolster the scholarship.

"Cam was one of my best friends, and he was a really good friend," said Evan Whitman, Moler's best friend. "Me and my friends always had a lot of fun with him."

You can donate to the Cameron Moler Scholarship Foundation and Memorial Fund through the Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation. Donations and donated children's books can also be dropped off at Jerzee's Pub and Grub, where staff is collecting for the family.