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Hazy looking sky expected again, here's why

Wildfire smoke leaves us with hazy skies
and last updated

There isn't supposed to be a cloud in the sky today. We should be looking at a vibrant blue skies overhead. But we won't see this! What is going on?

Wildfires smoke is overhead, and it's blocking a lot of the rays of sunshine we should be seeing.

We noticed it Sunday afternoon and checked in with the National Weather Service in Wilmington, Ohio, to confirm the suspicion.

"There is a smoke plume extending into our area," says NWS employee Andrew Hatzos. "It's from wildfires extending from the Pacific Northwest, through northern Alberta/Saskatchewan and eventually (flowing) southeast into our region."


Sometimes when wildfire smoke is overhead, it can settle down to the surface overnight to the point that you can smell it. With a clear and cold night ahead, this is something I wouldn't rule out.

The other thing we often see when there's wildfire smoke are very vibrant sunrises and sunsets. Be on the lookout for this later tonight as it looks like the smoke will continue to get thicker.

Hazy Sunset
Hazy Sunset