There is speculation that Procter & Gamble, that corporate staple of Cincinnati, may be broken up into smaller companies.
RELATED: Analyst: New activist investor increases chance of a Procter & Gamble breakup
An activist hedge fund, Trian Fund Management, bought a $3.5 billion stake in the consumer products giant, leading P&G stock to rise and analysts reading tea leaves to see whether the company will be shaken or split up. But how much would the iconic Queen City company change were that to happen?
Kevin Necessary is the editorial cartoonist for His opinions do not reflect those of WCPO.
Click here to see more of Kevin's cartoons.
There's always more the story. WCPO Insiders can take a look below at Kevin's sketchpad from cartoons published over the last week and his comments on them.
Procter & Gamble
The P&G sketch didn't really change much from start to completion. I had a blast drawing the caricatures of William Procter and James Gamble, because who doesn't like drawing 19th century tycoons?
Mitch McConnell
As surreal of a week as it's been for the country, it's had to have been doubly surreal for congressional Republicans. Some Hill GOP have tried to brush off the continuing story of Michael Flynn and other of President Trump's associates' contacts with Russia. Others have said they'll be investigating the claims. And some just want it to go away. It's that final sentiment that made me think of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as a turtle (which, I know, is kind of a cliché). But I thought it was the perfect image for how he's tried to hunker down during this scandal, coming out only to meekly say that there will be some sort of investigation into Russia.
While I had the main cartoon down, I didn't quite capture the head during my rough sketch. I drew that on a separate piece of scrap paper.
District 5
The sketch for my District 5 cartoon was again fairly close to the final drawing. It's always nice when I can nail something the first time.
Valentine's Day
I drew this just for fun. I couldn't imagine a better Valentine's Day gift to the Democratic Party than the ongoing Russian contact story.