UPDATE: Congratulations to this week's winner, Kim Fred Guthrie!
Spring is here, and everything is in bloom -- including the perennial orange barrels that blossom on I-71 and I-75.
Help editorial cartoonist Kevin Necessary come up with a caption for this week's "Caption This" cartoon. Go to the WCPO Facebook pageand write your caption in the comments. The winning caption will receive a free 52-week membership to WCPO Insider.
You can connect with Kevin Necessary on Twitter.
This has been one of those odd weeks where I haven't had that many cartoons. But it's not that I've been slacking off! I'm just working on some larger projects, and that eats up my cartooning time.
The sketch for this week's Caption This was pretty straight forward. I didn't have to do much between the initial scribbles and the final drawing. But as I was sketching it out, I started regretting drawing all those orange barrels.
I did have another idea for Caption This, featuring everyone's favorite hippo. At least I have this in my back pocket for when I'm scrambling for a Caption This idea.
My sketch for the cartoon about Ohio Gov. John Kasich's plan to have teachers job shadow at businesses was also relatively tight right out of the gate. But I'd also been toying around with doing a toon on another subject that day.
I thought (and still do think) that our continuing investigation into the Center For Closing the Health Gap would make for good cartoon fodder. We ran a story this week about how Cincinnati was the only one of Ohio's major cities not to accept free money to fund a minority health department. The city rejected the money due to pressure brought on by the Health Gap. I thought that using the words "health gap" would be perfect to highlight what separates Cincinnati from the other large Ohio cities. But alas, I just couldn't make it work. That just goes to show that even if the ingredients are right, an idea can remain just half-baked.