

Stumping for Trump, Palin slams media, Republicans still against GOP candidate

Echoes Trumps 'rigged election' message
Stumping for Trump, Palin slams media, Republicans still against GOP candidate
and last updated

ANDERSON TOWNSHIP, Ohio -- Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin campaigned for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in front of a roomful of supporters at Anderson Pub & Grill Monday afternoon.

The former governor and vice presidential candidate hit on familiar points during her speech: namely, firing shots at the media for "rigged" election coverage.

"The lamestream, liberal, lapdog media are irrelevant," she said, to applause. "We're not going to let the press divert our eyes."

She added that, without the "media filters," people would know Trump is "just the nicest man," saying, "He had the guts to take what he knew the press would do to him."

Palin did not specify exactly what the media had done to Trump, other than to characterize news coverage and the election in general as "rigged."

"We know primaries can be rigged; we know dead people can vote," she said. "He's opened peoples eyes to shenanigans."

Palin also returned to the familiar terrain of smaller government as a central tenant of the Republican platform.

"You want government off your back; you want it on your side," she said. "We want smarter, smaller government, as opposed to -- we know what Hillary stands for. She thinks that government is the solution."

Palin then slammed Clinton for "playing the girl card" in her campaign, applauding what Hamilton County Republican Party Chair Alex Triantifilou pointed out at the rally's start as "strong conservative women ready to support Donald Trump."

Palin concluded her remarks by calling the media's coverage of his campaign as plagued by "double-standards," and chastising "never Trump" Republicans, calling them by the acronym "RAT" -- "Republicans Against Trump."

"For those still having problems with something that Trump said 11 years ago, or whatever, remind them about our place in the platform," she urged the crowd. "This is all about freedom, liberty, families, businesses, being able to make decisions for ourselves."

A news release from the campaign initially said Palin would make a stop in Cincinnati at 9:55 a.m. at the Anderson Pub and Grill for the Hamilton County Grassroots Meet and Greet. However, a follow-up email said Palin's flight was delayed and the event until after 12:30 p.m.

Palin also planned stops in Kettering and Zanesville later on Monday.