
Ohio Values: How this pre-pandemic cruise picture represents the values Shannon Jones holds dear

'It's not like that for a lot of families'
and last updated

SPRINGBORO, Ohio — It was her own family that inspired Shannon Jones to run for elected office, but it’s her concern for other families that has motivated her to continue public service for the past 14 years.

Jones talked with WCPO 9 News about the beliefs that guide her as part of an audio story series called Ohio Values.

Shannon Jones

The idea behind the series is to give local, national and global audiences insight into what matters to Ohio voters in advance of the 2020 presidential election.

To create Ohio Values, journalists from six news outlets spent the past several months interviewing Ohio voters throughout the state to get their perspectives.

RELATED: How WCPO is trying to better report on your election values

All interviews were conducted using the story-gathering tool A Picture’s Worth, where voters selected a photograph that is important to them and then discussed that photo and the values they hold dear.

Jones selected a photo of a trip to Hawaii that her family took with her mom, her stepdad and her sister’s family.

The photo speaks to the core values that led her to public office, how those values evolved over time and how they influence every one of her votes -– whether it’s as an elected leader or as a citizen at the polls.

“I feel the need to sort of recognize that in my own joy of having these moments with my family, that it’s not like that for a lot of families,” Jones said. “I feel a greater sense of responsibility to people who don’t have that picture-perfect family and opportunity and experience.”

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