Editor’s note: Sycamore Community Schools released an update on Friday, May 3. The original tally released by the school district was 19 students with a perfect score, and 29 students with a score of 35.
MONTGOMERY, Ohio -- Tri-State students continue to display jaw-dropping intellect with the latest round of ACT scores.
Twenty Sycamore High School students achieved a perfect score on the ACT, the school district said, and another 33 students were one point shy of a perfect score (full list of students below).
Twenty is the highest number of students with perfect scores recorded in the school’s history, according to Sycamore school officials.
"We are so proud of all of our students and this is a shining example of some of their hard work. This accomplishment is a credit to the students, their families, their teachers, and our community,” said Doug Mader, Sycamore High School principal.
Sycamore Community Schools
The ACT tests students in English, math, reading and science. The average composite score for the class of 2017 was 21, The Princeton Review reported. The results are accepted by all four-year colleges and universities in the U.S.
It’s not a competition, but last month Cincinnati Public Schools said 17 juniors and seniors at Walnut Hills High School also earned a perfect 36 on the ACT.
Sycamore High School students who earned a perfect score:
- Grant Bruner
- Sahchit Chundur
- Elias Cohen
- Mohit Dighamber
- Pierce Ellingson
- Kyra Fales
- Max Guo
- Andrew Han
- Hannah Kirkham
- Daniel Leong
- Alice Lundgren
- Alicia Luo
- Laura Mihlbachler
- Norah Pack
- Yash Singh
- Caroline Skwara
- Jacob Smilg
- Abhilash Yarlagadda
- Carolyn Zhang
- Samuel Risma
Sycamore High School students who earned a 35:
- Samuel Barans
- Nathalie Bonin
- Cameron Boutelle
- Alejandro Bresolin
- Elliot Carl
- Foster Dawson
- Noah Dinerman
- Athena Eborall
- David Freeman
- Deniz Gorur
- Linya Guo
- Yuhi Hakozaki
- Andre Harte
- Shaan Hershey
- Ryan Hertlein
- Hari Iyer
- Takezo Kelly
- Anisa Khatana
- Kevin Landrum
- Youngbin Lee
- Rohan Mathur
- Nicholas McDonough
- Jason Merkel
- Anupama Narayana
- Luis Pereda Amaya
- Samuel Risma
- Emma Stemen
- Madeleine Weiss
- Ben Yuskewich
- Deepto Chatterjee
- Astin Lin
- Griffin Roof
- Christine Zou