CINCINNATI — After a series of complaints from staff and alumni, Cincinnati Public Schools released a "comprehensive plan of action" for Woodward Career Technical High School.
Superintendent Iranetta Wright presented the plan Monday night during the Board of Education meeting.
"One of our areas of focus is attendance," Wright said. "That is a challenge and an area that needs to be improved across all of our high schools. And Woodward was one of the ones that had one of the greater concerns when it came to attendance."

Woodward High School will have a new counselor dedicated full-time to attendance, according to the plan. The school will also have new positions for a graduation counselor and an assistant principal of culture and community.
According to the plan, the areas of focus for the 2023-24 school year are safety, security, leadership, staffing, CTE program effectiveness and communication.
At a Board of Education meeting on July 17, Woodward teachers and alumni criticized the district and board for not addressing issues with turnover, school security, student training supplies and career opportunities.
"We're still having problems getting agreements, MOUs, internships, work-based learning opportunities and job shadowing," Woodward teacher Shirley Brame told the board. "And that is truly a travesty."
Woodward teacher Gail Ervin told the board that some security cameras didn't work properly.
Several students have been shot near the campus, which created more concern about campus security and safety, according to students, parents and staff who have their concerns in recent months during interviews and board meetings.
On Monday, Wright said new outside surveillance cameras had been installed and new cameras should be installed inside the school before classes begin on Aug. 17.
The plan calls for having nine security assistants. Wright said two positions haven't been filled because applicants haven't accepted offers yet.
Woodward's interim principal is Sam Yates, who is a former Woodward principal and interim principal, according to Wright.

"We're ecstatic to have Mr. Yates back at the helm of Woodward High School," Woodward Alumnal Association President Eddie Hawkins told the board and Wright on Monday.
The alumni group has been pushing for changes at the school.
At the July 17 board meeting, Hawkins said the Alumnal Association was giving a "no confidence vote" to the board, Wright and her staff. Hawkins requested that a plan of action for Woodward be delivered to the group within a week.
A week later, Hawkins said there was no plan shared with the Alumnal Association.
"I do feel as though we are being dismissed," Hawkins said at a news conference on July 25.
At the CPS Board meeting on Monday, Hawkins told Wright, "This is a nice little plan of action that you put in place."
Hawkins also said that his group had been invited to meet with Wright and her staff. He said he wanted board members to be there, too.
But in a text message to the I-Team on Tuesday, Hawkins said he was still not convinced the plan will do what's required to fix Woodward's problems.
"My vote of no confidence still stands," Hawkins wrote. "The mistreatment of Woodward High School is long.....and it needs to stop."
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