CINCINNATI -- At a press conference Tuesday, Mayor John Cranley and others declared Cincinnati to be a "sanctuary city," one of several metropolitan areas around the United States that have declared they will not turn over illegal immigrants to federal authorities. While a resolution passed Wednesday in city council reaffirmed the status, well, there's a bit of contention as to what being a sanctuary city actually means.
Kevin Necessary is the editorial cartoonist for WCPO. His opinions do not reflect those of WCPO.
Kevin's weekly sketchbook
Some days it takes several sketches to nail down an idea. For my Groundhog Day cartoon, I felt I nailed it right off the bat.

I did a very quick sketch on some scrap paper. I don't think this took me more than three minutes. I was lucky I didn't get any peanut butter on the paper (I was eating breakfast when the idea hit).

Once it was approved, I went into my studio, grabbed another piece of scrap paper and drew the pencil sketch before finishing it in Photoshop. I've got a nice, fancy scanner, and I used to scan in my sketches, but these days just taking a photo of the sketch works just as well.

Earlier this week, Cincinnati lost any and all chances to have fun, as the city's Commissioner of Fun officially left office. I'm guessing all parks will be replaced with parking lots, and beer, laughter and any form of general merriment will be outlawed. But that's just an assumption. Still, with the current political turmoil and chaos of the last few weeks, the loss of the Commissioner of Fun seemed apropos of today's world.