Legend has it in 1972 two police officers encountered a mysterious, frog-like creature near the Little Miami River. (Of course one party-pooper officer says it was all a hoax.)
In 2016 a couple playing Pokemon Go claims they, too, saw a large froggy beast near Lake Isabella.
Is it real or a hoax? Whether or not a giant amphibian lurks near Loveland can have your own Loveland Frogman, designed by WCPO illustrator Kevin Necessary. Just click the link below to download the template, and check back next week for another downloadable paper toy monster.
In addition, this October we're asking kids to send us their creature creations for WCPO's Monster Mashup Contest. Three lucky kids will have their monsters re-imagined by Necessary, and he will turn one monster creation into a downloadable paper toy, just like this Loveland Frogman cutout. Click here to enter the Monster Mashup Contest.