MoneyConsumerDon't Waste Your Money


Say goodbye to Speedy Freezes, hello to Slurpees

7-Eleven buying all Speedway gas stations
Immigration officials target 7-Elevens in nationwide raid
Posted 12:47 PM, Aug 04, 2020
and last updated 10:11 PM, Aug 04, 2020

The most popular gas station in Ohio and many other parts of the country will soon be no more.

7-Eleven is buying Speedway stores, and in the coming months, you'll see a lot of changes.

Speedway has grown to become one of the country's top gas stations and convenience stores in recent years, especially since gobbling up Hess stations on the east coast about 5 years ago.

But now Speedway itself is being gobbled up.

Its owner, Marathon Petroleum, has agreed to sell the chain to the owner of 7-Eleven, creating a gas station behemoth, on the scale of McDonald's or Walmart.

All 4,000 Speedway stations will become 7-Elevens by early next year.

The biggest change you will notice in stores: Slurpeeswill soon replace Speedy Freezes.

Fans of frozen drinks say they are essentially the same thing, thoughsome claim Slurpees are not as thick.

Slurpees also tend to cost a bit more, typically selling for $1.19 in many markets instead of 89 or 99 cents for a Speedy Freeze.

In addition, your Speedy rewards card will become a 7Rewards card, but you should not lose any points because the gas remains the same.

That brings us to the one thing that won't change: The gas. It will still be the same Marathon gasoline, after the companies signed a 15-year agreement for the stores to continue selling Marathon products.

As for gas prices, Speedway - 7-Eleven will still be the biggest chain in Ohio, so it will likely to be the first station to raise and lower prices each week.

Wherever you fill up, don't waste your money.


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